Monday, August 30, 2010

Adam + Lindsay=married

Adam and Lindsay..what can I say? Beautiful couple, beautiful children, beautiful family. Beautiful wedding.

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This blog post is gonna be quite photo heavy....just a warning. I had a TON of pics and so many that I love, plus all the cute was just to hard to choose a few, so sit back and enjoy the show!

Pretty, pretty primping bride!

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These shoes are made for walking... down the aisle. ;)

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Thank you to my assistant for this fabulous shot.

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Lounging of my favorites.

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Hands down...I think my favorite shot. It's a little kooky, but that's how I roll.

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The happy couple....

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And lastly, the beautiful kiddos.......

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love this one.....

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Thank you Adam and Lindsay for inviting me to be a part of your special day. Much love to your darling family!