Okay, so this may be the saddest excuse for a Fourth of July in a long time. Rain, rain go away!!!! And it's cold to boot!
So, to brighten up this dreary day I've decided to offer a contest. Yay!!!! I've never done one on my blog before...but I've seen lots of people do them ,even participated in a few myself. (Though, I've never won anything...ahem.) Anyhoo, all you have to do my friends in answer a very simple question I'm posing......'What's your favorite thing about Independence Day?' pretty simple don't cha think? Just click on the comments post at the bottom of my blog entry for today and type away.....it's so easy! And who knows you might be the winner!
"What do I win?" you ask? Well you will win your very own photography session with me for free! There will be no session fee for you, dear winner! Yay!!! So you can pick a family session, senior, maternity, newborn, child....whatever floats your boat! Not pregnant? No kids? Hate having your pictures taken? That's okay, if you are so inclined...you can give the session to a friend as a gift! Wedding sessions do not apply. Session must be booked before July 31 to claim your prize.Winner will be selected by a random number generator.
And my favorite thing about Independance Day? Fireworks!!!! I love them, and I love to watching my kids as they watch them. :)
So happy Fourth everyone....stay dry. :/
I used to love the 4th b/c of swimming and cookouts and watching my kids watch the fireworks, I love to see their faces, but I can't get that excited anymore b/c in 3 days it will be the 2 yr. anniversary of my brothers death so now that is what the 4th is for me, remembering his last 4th and then the days that follow. I am sorry that this is a depressing post but I wanted to say this and I just realized that the 4th will always be this way for me. BUMMER! Not exactly joyous thoughts!! SORRY I tried to be positive but the flood gates opened
ReplyDeleteI'm with you! My favorite thing about the 4th is fireworks. I loved them before having kids and I LOVE them even more after having my children. I also love all of the picnic food and I'm a sucker for a parade. Happy 4th!
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that my favorite thing about fourth of July was when I was younger. My mom and dad would take us downtown to watch the huge display of fireworks and we would get to eat a hot dog off of the hot dog cart. YUM! Whats in those things anyway? :) Nowadays I still love the downtown Indy fireworks but really I love the cook outs and bbq we have had with my inlaws. Fish and burgers....so so yummy. I am at home this year with a lone box of sparklers! Guess we'll make the most of it!
ReplyDeleteI love to display the flag. It has so much meaning. I like to see the symbol of our freedom everywhere,itjust makes me feel good, and well........American.
ReplyDeleteFor me its not about the fireworks or the cookouts its how much I enjoy spending any extra time with my family and friends. And how much I enjoy my independence and freedom beacuse of what our troops do for us. May everyone be blessed and safe, and have a Happy 4th!
ReplyDeleteThere are many things I've come to enjoy about the 4th of July...or most any holiday for that matter =) The fireworks are such a majestic reminder of the freedoms we've been given....the food is aaahhhhh-mazing....but I'd have to say my favorite is the endless time spent laughing, crying, and loving on my sweet family!!!